LiveSchool is an easy way to track, promote and reward positive behaviour at school. It is a system that students can use to accumulate points and use them to purchase rewards.
How points are awarded
Staff will hand out five points for a positive behaviour aligned with our school's values.
Respectful |
Responsible |
Resilient |
Learners |
Care for Others |
Right Choice |
Persevere with Challenges |
Actively Participate |
Following Instructions |
Right Place |
Positive Relationships |
Allow for Learning |
Speak Appropriately to Others |
Right Time |
Seek Support |
Be Prepared |
Tokens will be worth five points. On an allocated day, you will be able to hand your tokens to a staff member and the points will be added to your online account.
There are a range of items that can be purchased from our shop including stationary equipment, Lego, canteen vouchers and more.
House Points
All points will also count towards the cumulative house point total.
Setting Up a LiveSchool Account
Both students and parents can monitor their points through their LiveSchool account. You can learn how to set up an account below. Your unique code has already been emailed to you but can be emailed again upon request.