Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.
Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.
Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.
Attendance and absences
Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.
In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent.
Young people below the age of 17 who have completed Year 10 must be:
in school, or registered for home schooling
in approved education or training, such as a traineeship, apprenticeship or TAFE
in full-time paid employment (average 25 hours a week)
in a combination of work, education and/or training (average of 25 hours a week combined).
Students 17 years and over who are enrolled in school must attend school regularly to meet HSC course requirements.
As a parent or carer, you are responsible for ensuring your child attends school every day when they are of compulsory school age. You must explain all absences to the school within 7 days.
For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:
If a student is absent, parents should advise the school of the reason why via telephone, email or a written note within seven days.
Parents will be notified via SMS if students are away without an explanation. Recurring absences with unsatisfactory reasons will be reported to the Home School Liaison Officer.
Students who know they are going to be away should try to organise work with teachers so that class work will not be missed when they return.
Late To School
If a student is late to school, a note from a parent or caregiver is required explaining why they are late. The office will issue a late slip and ensure that the student is marked as being present. Parents will be contacted if students are late without a note on a number of occasions.
Toilet Breaks
It is recommended that students go to the toilet before school, at recess or at lunch. A teacher may give students a toilet pass if required in class time. A toilet pass or note from a teacher is required if a student is out of class during school hours.
Leaving School During the Day
If students need to leave school during the day, a signed note from the parent/carer clearly stating the reason must be brought into the office before 9am. If the note and reason are accepted then a leave note will be issued. Students will need to show that note to the teacher when they leave class.
Flexible study times
Year 11 and 12 students are expected to be at school during their study periods unless the study periods are at the beginning or end of the day. Year 11 and 12 students may arrive later or leave early if these study periods fall at these times. It is compulsory for all senior students to attend tutorials when organised by the school.
Supervision at school
When students arrive at school in the morning, they are required to go straight to the playground. After school students are to move straight to the bus stop areas or go home. The school is opened from 8:30am prior to the first bell at 8:55am. Senior students may have classes before 8:30am. The day ends at 3:25pm.
If students need help at any time, they may ask the Class Teacher, Year Advisor, Head Teachers, Deputy Principal or any other member of staff. During recess and lunch, teachers will be on hand to supervise.
Access to School Grounds After Hours And During Weekend
The Inclosed Lands Act states that no-one should be on school premises before or after school hours unless he/she has permission from the school. The Principal may grant permission to use school grounds outside school hours.

School frameworks (school rules)
As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.
Rules for student behaviour establish consistent expectations while at school. These rules are based on our core values of respect, integrity, excellence, responsibility, cooperation, participation, care, fairness and democracy.
All students in NSW government schools are expected to:
Attend every school day, unless they are legally excused, and be in class on time and prepared to learn.
Maintain a neat appearance, including adhering to the requirements of the school’s uniform or dress code policy.
Behave safely, considerately and responsibly, including when travelling to and from school.
- Show respect at all times for teachers, other school staff and helpers, including following class rules, speaking courteously and cooperating with instructions and learning activities.
- Treat one another with dignity and respect.
- Care for property belonging to themselves, the school and others.
Behaviour that infringes on the safety of others, such as harassment, bullying and illegal or anti-social behaviour of any kind, will not be tolerated.
The Department is committed to supporting principals and school staff in the implementation of these rules through state-wide policies and programs, together with regional support staff, professional learning and alternative provisions, in order to promote the highest standards of behaviour and learning in our schools.
The critical role of parents and care- givers is recognised as the primary influence on each child’s character and behaviour. Parents are essential partners in supporting the core rules and the successful education of their children.
Toilet and food breaks are always included when students are withdrawn from the playground as a planned response to behaviour. The maximum length of time will be appropriate to the age/developmental level of the student.
All students are required to:
Follow the course outcomes endorsed by NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority)
Work with diligence and sustained effort
Meet some or all of the outcomes of the course
N-Determinations are issued when a student in Year 10 or above fails to meet these minimum requirements.
Being issued an N-Determination means that a student will not progress to the next year and will not be issued a ROSA (Record of School Achievement) or the HSC (Higher School Certificate). Students will receive a minimum of two letters before an N-Determination.
Suspension and expulsion
All students and staff have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity in an environment free from disruption, intimidation, harassment and discrimination.
There will be cases of unacceptable behaviour where it will be in the best interests of the school community and/ or the student involved, for the student to be removed from the school for a period of time (suspension) or completely (expulsion).
Suspension is not intended as a punishment. It is only one strategy for managing inappropriate behaviour within a school’s student wellbeing and discipline policies. Students returning from suspension will be on a “Return To School Plan”. This will involve daily monitoring of the goals generated at the suspension resolution meeting.
Banned items
Students should not bring the following items to school or to school activities:
- Chewing gum
- Aerosols of any kind, including deodorant and spray paint
- Tobacco, matches, cigarettes, lighters, vapes etc.
- Drugs or medication. Should a student have to use a prescribed medication, a note is required from parent/ guardian and the medication must be left at the school office until needed.
- Firearms or ammunition. This includes pea shooters, fire crackers, weapons and replica weapons of any kind and laser lights.
- Knives, cutting instruments and metal rulers.
- Liquid paper and permanent markers
- Alcoholic drinks
Smoking is prohibited on all school premises, while going to and from school (including lunch leave) or while taking part in any school activity or excursion. Smoking is not permitted on State Government premises at any time.
Valuables at school
The school takes no responsibility for any of these items left unattended:
- Mobile phones
- Money
- Devices (including personal laptops, tablets, handheld gaming)
Delivery of gifts and flowers to school
The school cannot accept deliveries of flowers, balloons or gifts for students. These types of items should more appropriately be delivered to the student’s home.
Permission to publish
Unless you have requested otherwise, Murrumbidgee Regional High School assumes that you have given permission to publish your child’s name and image publicly. If you wish to withhold permission please contact the school. You may change your mind at any time.
Refund Procedures
When excursions or in-school performances are planned, every item has a cost: transport, venue hire, etc. This total cost is then divided by the number of students expected to be attending this excursion/performance. Often, especially in the case of overnight trips, the school pays a deposit in advance.
On occasions there are unforeseen circumstances, including illness, that may prevent your child from attending this event. Murrumbidgee Regional High School - Wade generally doe not provide refunds, unless a student can be found to take the place of the cancelling student. The school will make reasonable efforts to find a replacement, but this will obviously not be possible in all cases, especially with little or no notice.
If an excursion is cancelled by either the school or a third party, all monies will be refunded to parents LESS any deposit paid by the school which cannot be recovered from the third party.
The principal may vary the conditions above depending on the family/student circumstances.
Policies & procedures

Digital devices procedures
Our school acknowledges the educational value of digital devices and online services in supporting and enhancing educational outcomes and student wellbeing.
We also recognise they may have negative consequences if used inappropriately and that we need to support our students to use them in safe, responsible and respectful ways.

Common assessment procedures
Murrumbidgee Regional High School - Wade has high expectations for students. Assessment for learning, assessment as learning and assessment of learning are approaches that can be used individually or together, formally or informally to gather evidence about student achievement and to improve student learning. Good assessment practice involves designing quality assessment activities that enable students to demonstrate their achievements.

Student Behaviour Support and Management Plan
Murrumbidgee Regional High School – Wade is committed to explicitly teaching and modelling positive behaviour and to supporting all students to be engaged in their learning.
Our goal is a vibrant, inclusive, and dynamic learning environment where every student is empowered to reach their full potential every day. We value and strive to develop student behaviours that are respectful, responsible, and resilient reflecting the qualities of effective learners.

Behaviour code for students
Our school is committed to providing a safe, supportive and responsive learning environment for everyone. We teach and model the behaviours we value in our students.