09 Jun 2022

MRHS students Adele Tropiano and Montana Evans went to Coonabarabran to compete in the North West Equestrian Expo. The girls rode hard over the five days and returned home with some great results to show for it.
The North West Equestrian Expo is Australia’s largest high school interschool equestrian event. This year marked the 30th staging of the event, making it the oldest continually running even of its kind. There are over 100 schools at the event who compete in dressage, polocrosse, team penning, working horse challenges, team six bar, team barrel, expo pentathlon, expo gymkhana and others.
The weather was not kind to the competitors, with a bitter cold front chilling the Coonabarabran Showground. Despite the conditions, Adele managed to come 2nd in the one day event (against 25 other riders), 2nd in the 12 years bareback (against 15 other riders).
Montana managed to come 5th in two of the 14 year old events (against 30 other riders), 13th and 14th in two of the combined training competitions (against 72 other competitors) and managed to come 22nd out of a massive 132 competitors in freestyle dressage.
Congratulations on these fantastic results, girls! It was fantastic to have students fly the school flag at such a high level event!