Murrumbidgee Regional High School - Wade

Excellence and Innovation

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Year 8s Build Shakespearean Coffins

Merchant of Venice

Out Year 8s have been getting acquainted with the Merchant of Venice this term. They’ve even gone so far as to recreate the infamous three caskets using craft supplies.

Set in the titular Italian city state, the story is about a merchant named Antonio who defaults on a large loan taken out on behalf of his friend Bassanio. Bassanio’s love interest (and eventual wife) Portia comes to Antonio’s defence to avoid a possibly tragic outcome.

The three caskets are a condition of Bassanio’s betrothal to Portia. According to her father’s will, Portia is not allowed to pick her own husband. Instead, the suitor must pick from a gold, silver or lead coffin.

Each group worked on a different casket, focusing on the details of each outlined in the play. Our students even had to recreate the contents of the caskets as described by Shakespeare.

“An activity like this is a hands on reading of Shakespeare,” explains English teacher Alyce Woodward, “When the kids have to perform a deeper read of the play to be able to make something from it, it really helps solidify the text in their minds.”

The class will continue to study the Merchant of Venice for the rest of the term.